As I jumped on a tube packed with commuters last night, on my way to White Hart Lane (don't ask, I was even required to carry a flag home) soaked through to the skin with a jumper and mac on, and then just as wet from the skin out as the post work exertions and tube heat kicked in, I found myself even more longing for proper autumn. When you can look at the window see it looks chilly and rainy and dress accordingly, not this faux autumn we are currently experiencing - where it looks freezing but it's hotter than july (literally, not necessarily a Stevie Wonder reference).
I started writing this blog, because I am notoriously fickle and start what I have referred to as projects all the time and then forget that I was interested in them. Flicking through some of my posts over the past 8 months, I can now see this even more clearly.
That said, whilst my choice of viewing and music is so catholic that I don't know what I'll like next week - this week it is Mumford & Sons and another go at winter crazies: The Fleet Foxes, and season 2 of Mad Men. I appear to have finally settled on 2 dress styles: Ivy Style in the week and the ever increasingly ubiquitous understated/workwear look at the weekends; however with my weakness for tweed and tattersall there is a distinct chance the weekend look might turn increasingly country gent as we go through the Autumn and into Winter.
To go bargain hunting and know broadly when I could wear pickups is strangely liberating, it should also reduce significantly the number of black bags I take to Oxfam, which are filled with bad ideas: Billionaire Boys Club and BAPE, you're nicked.
[image: Last Of Us Season 2 Hbo Joel Pedro Pascal]
Things are about to hit the fan for everybody when The Last of Us returns
for season two on April 13.